Banks of the river
A poem I wrote for the UTS Writers Society while at university in 2009.

Education vs learning
A brief and unfiltered reflection on education vs learning.
Bleeding Heart
My heart bleeds for those whose life depends upon the actions of the few, to contest the mighty many of those whose life has been subdued. My heart weeps for all those people whom attack the honest few, trying to
Revealing the grey
The enlightenment is ongoing. It is not something that was purely limited to the time period beginning with Descartes. It’s a progressive revealing of the grey areas of our existence and increasing awareness of our ongoing moral dilemmas. I recall
I am me
I will follow my heart wherever it may take me but I will use my mind and intellect to combat the ignorance in my self and others. I will not capitulate to dogmatic belief in a TINA (There Is No

Our social dilemma and what we should be focusing on
I wrote this after watching the docudrama film The Social Dilemma. A deeper critique and reflection on some of the leverage points to intervene in a system.
Ashes and Armour
I wrote this when reflecting on the challenges faced of overcoming our collective trauma and the test of our spirit in hope and despair

One point for a story to start from
Reflection on a dream and a conversation that leads to the perennial truth of ‘love is the answer’.

Data protection day matters more than you think.
If you’re already working in this space you’ll will recognise the challenges. If you’re not, it isn’t too late. This article will help you get started.